Today’s goal might seem to some like the obvious continuation of yesterday’s goal, but I can assure you selling our house and finding another one to purchase are two completely different and unique challenges.
With the average single family home here in Kelowna just shy of $700,000, buying a home is not a simple task for a family of five trying to survive on one income.
We have been looking since we put our house on the market back in May, and have been excited to find several that would work perfectly for our family while still being within our budget. Unfortunately, those have all since disappeared as we have waited for our current house to sell.
Sadly (for me), we have begun to look elsewhere. We realize that we live in paradise, and that comes at a premium. We didn’t choose to live in Kelowna, it chose us. I had never even driven through the city before 2009 when we moved here. Ever since, we’ve tried desperately to fit in, but it hasn’t been easy, and Lisa still feels that we don’t!
So, perhaps this is the time to uproot and find a new community to settle down in. I’m not a big fan of this idea, but I like it more than being homeless. I have no idea what the future may bring, or where I might end up. For all I know we may just have to set up a tent in the empty lot across the street from us. But what I do know is that we need a bigger home, and once we have sold our current home, finding that bigger home is the next step and the third goal on my #2021Twenty.