October is Rett Syndrome Awareness month so in support of that, Madison will be taking over my social media accounts and blog for the entire month. The official colour for Rett Syndrome is purple… so be prepared for a lot of purple on my grid this month. We want to inform, enlighten and educate anyone willing to listen as to what Rett Syndrome is and what Madison overcomes every single day.
I will be posting pictures in a chronological order from the past three year showing Madison’s journey with captions describing the stages of the disease and vital information that you may not know about Rett Syndrome.
Rett Syndrome is classified as a rare disease, and Madison is the ONLY person in Kelowna who has the disease, one of less than 50 in British Columbia and only about 1,000 in Canada. So chances are you may have never heard about this disease before meeting Madison, and that’s why October is so important to our small community of Rett families as we try to spread awareness of the disease at the very least.
So, follow along and interact as much or as little as you feel comfortable with.